Well since I've last posted I've discovered three major problems, for one the exhaust is rusting off, but that's not a big deal-open pipes is awesome! My radiator has a small leak somewhere, and I'm leaking brake fluid somewhere near my transmission pan.
I've got on Amazon and ordered Walker Exhaust 40340 Y-Pipe, this will convert my dual rusty exhaust to a single exhaust. Every website tells you this won't fit the 5.7L but I've been reassured by someone on a Chevelle restoration website that it indeed did work on his car, he encountered the same issue (The 72 Spring was based on the 72 Chevelle).
I've also ordered a new FRAM BA19 Crankcase Breather Filter for my intake filter-mine was pretty done with.
Lastly I've ordered the good ol Walker exhaust gaskets to nicely seal my exhaust system. I'm doing this the right way. Walker Exhaust 31400 Hardware-Gasket.
My theory for doing this is a little bit of weight reduction and cost reduction. I'm not looking to build a fast and furious beast but rather a beautiful restoration vehicle that performs well, I'm focusing my spending on mpg producing things right now, among the essentials. I'm going to research the brake leak and likely purchase a whole new brake line system if it is a bit too hard to find the culprit.
Looks like a late Christmas for the Sprint, but a whole new exhaust system done properly and not redneck is going to look BEAUTIFUL and perform WONDERFULLY, as well as sound proper! Stay tuned for the in depth installation that will be coming in the next few weeks (once it's warm enough outside to do it.)
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